We like to take your brand back to its absolute essence

Passionate teammate with a clear goal.

We are a digital agency who believes creativity and technology are now inseparable. With our expertise in visual branding combined with extensive knowledge about the Social Media, we would like to help you navigate this digital age to grow to your true potential. We began our journey in 2016, and then established ourselves with the name Beranda Studio in 2017. We’ve worked with clients from various fields such as industry, food, fashion, etc. Our diversity in clients’ backgrounds and services give us a fresh perspective when faced with new challenges.

Each team member brings you a little more than their skills



We’re a world-class team of diverse individuals who are here to do great work as well as be great to work with. Explore our culture manual.

Total Client


The requirement is sought and the results pay off. Our ability to implement the most ambitious visions with your customers is often rewarded by judges in the sector.

Annual Contract


Make some synergy with clients give us repeat order. We often enrich the project by exploring creative direction in every process.​

The reason why our partners first consult us

360° Marketing 
  • Social Media Management
  • Ads Optimization
  • Campaign
  • KOL Hiring
Editorial Book
  • Annual Report
  • Company Profile
  • Business Proposal
  • Product Catalogue
Brand Identity
  • Logo
  • Packaging
  • Stationery Set
  • Marketing Tools
Web Development
  • Copywriting
  • UI/UX Design
  • Digital Videos
  • Web Develpment
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